There's an edge in the air. Could it be medical delays? Economic insecurity? Spiritual angst? Maybe it's the inch-thick layer of dirt, grime, and crap throughout the house? Ongoing rifts between friends? Maybe it's all the CNN I've been watching. Yup! That's it! How could I not be a basket case watching all that negative bullshit? I don't need to hear about 5 and 6 dollar gas! I don't need to hear about Hulk
Hogan's incarcerated son! I don't need to hear about the flooding throughout Iowa! How does knowing all this better my life?! I'm so bummed out by all this shit that I just SUCK!
So this morning I started thinking about things I'd rather do than be burdened with all of the above. And I'm not talking fun things like go fetch me a massage, that's too obvious. I'm looking for things I normally hate doing, but when faced with the alternative, I'll actually consider. So to vulch on Letterman's style, here's my Top 10 list of "Things I'd Rather Do Than Suck!"
#10-Deal with my cell phone carrier. Since renewing my contract, there are some loose strings I need to tie up. Not great fun, but certainly something I'm willing to do.
#9-Finish clearing rock out of the garden. This has been an ongoing project and I'm within a few hours of completion, but I'm just burned out! However, in light of all that other shit? Rock, shmock!
#8-Make some granola. I've got a great, easy granola recipe that I've gotten out of the habit of making. It's pure laziness and with the heat being less oppressive today, I think it's definitely do-able.
#7-Call my dad. It's soooo much easier staying distracted than check up on Dad. He's ever the optimist, but I feel so inept! He's proven he's not going to ask for help throughout this cancer stuff, so I gotta suck it up and be there for him.
#6-Make my dad soup. My dad loves this cheesy potato/broccoli concoction I make and given his limited diet, there's no reason I can't throw a pot together.
#5-Plant the peppers. My husband's the green thumber of our clan, but I've been stepping into the landscaping foray. To help fill in my little perennial garden, he offered to let me put in a pepper area. We'll see if it happens (my work-warning sensors are firing).
#4-Move some stuff to the attic and from the attic. I don't like going to the attic. It's cavernous and creepy and I'm reminded of how friggin' dirty it is up there! Which brings me to . . .
#3-Bug bomb the attic. I am all over this one! I can easily set off a bomb, seal up the attic and not have to vacate the house.
#2-Go for a bike ride. This may sound as if it's up there with a massage and it used to be, but it's been a few years since my butt's seen spandex and the thought of cranking out a few miles just wreaks of health. (Though it would get those 'feel-good' neurotransmitters firing.)
And the #1 thing I'd rather do than suck? Schedule my annual physical. Things must be pretty bad if this is Numero Uno, but a) I have been remiss in getting my check ups (it's been 2 years!) and b) my IUD expired last month, so c) is there really a choice in the matter? Nope.
How much of this will I accomplish? I think I can get half done today. . .well, maybe a third. Oh hell, if I can get one done it'll be insane!

So this morning I started thinking about things I'd rather do than be burdened with all of the above. And I'm not talking fun things like go fetch me a massage, that's too obvious. I'm looking for things I normally hate doing, but when faced with the alternative, I'll actually consider. So to vulch on Letterman's style, here's my Top 10 list of "Things I'd Rather Do Than Suck!"
#10-Deal with my cell phone carrier. Since renewing my contract, there are some loose strings I need to tie up. Not great fun, but certainly something I'm willing to do.
#9-Finish clearing rock out of the garden. This has been an ongoing project and I'm within a few hours of completion, but I'm just burned out! However, in light of all that other shit? Rock, shmock!
#8-Make some granola. I've got a great, easy granola recipe that I've gotten out of the habit of making. It's pure laziness and with the heat being less oppressive today, I think it's definitely do-able.
#7-Call my dad. It's soooo much easier staying distracted than check up on Dad. He's ever the optimist, but I feel so inept! He's proven he's not going to ask for help throughout this cancer stuff, so I gotta suck it up and be there for him.
#6-Make my dad soup. My dad loves this cheesy potato/broccoli concoction I make and given his limited diet, there's no reason I can't throw a pot together.
#5-Plant the peppers. My husband's the green thumber of our clan, but I've been stepping into the landscaping foray. To help fill in my little perennial garden, he offered to let me put in a pepper area. We'll see if it happens (my work-warning sensors are firing).
#4-Move some stuff to the attic and from the attic. I don't like going to the attic. It's cavernous and creepy and I'm reminded of how friggin' dirty it is up there! Which brings me to . . .
#3-Bug bomb the attic. I am all over this one! I can easily set off a bomb, seal up the attic and not have to vacate the house.
#2-Go for a bike ride. This may sound as if it's up there with a massage and it used to be, but it's been a few years since my butt's seen spandex and the thought of cranking out a few miles just wreaks of health. (Though it would get those 'feel-good' neurotransmitters firing.)
And the #1 thing I'd rather do than suck? Schedule my annual physical. Things must be pretty bad if this is Numero Uno, but a) I have been remiss in getting my check ups (it's been 2 years!) and b) my IUD expired last month, so c) is there really a choice in the matter? Nope.
How much of this will I accomplish? I think I can get half done today. . .well, maybe a third. Oh hell, if I can get one done it'll be insane!
Well, I suck, too. I'm way too freaked out about a bunch of stuff, but last week I went to the gyn. Finally, after 2 1/2 years. I kept putting it off. My doctor and I were talking about kids shows and while he was taking the good old pap smear, he started singing the Wonder Pets song. "What's gonna work?" and I chimed in, "Teamwork!" We both laughed. This was the same doctor who, after my 3 year old son was born, started humming the theme from My Three Sons with my husband. He's such a good doctor and a great guy to boot.