So, I got my first hate comment yesterday. I think it was George W. Bush who left the anonymous missive! I feel so special . . . that something I wrote could move someone to respond in anonymous finger-wagging. Does this mean I've arrived? I mean, they finger-wagged at a post from back in March about my WTF decision to read the, but just commented YESTERDAY! That would indicate that someone is reading not just the daily grind, but stuff outta the 'stale blog bin' and that even the old stuff has at least one person feeling some visceral palpitative response to my musings?
And I must've pissed 'em off good because their rant contained grammatical errors (enter my George W. theory). And those errors are really good ones, the kind that come from blindly rapping at a keyboard, all pissed off, mind racing, foam dripping from the chin and messing up the keys. Or if you're boozin' really hard and have an 8-ball of coke nearby? That'd cause some typing issues as well.

BULLSHIT it s exactly you are talking about. Dont be surprised if you havent received any comment. Just ask yourself: Who s the one who divided the history? ¨Before Christ, After Crist.¨ If the history doesnt denies the JesusCrist Majesty, you shouldnt be walking around saying such crappy things. Dont mess with him, you could be hurt. By the way God Bless you.
I like that George is worried about my eternal soul, but the whole "don't mess with him, you could be hurt" thing just doesn't hold water. If "God" created me with free will, my belief (flawed as it is) is that "God" would want me to flex some independent muscles and really put into thought why I believe what I believe, or even, why I DON'T believe. I grew up feeling the crazy-ass judgemental, fire-n-brimstone crappola from those crazy catholic priests (the ones who couldn't keep their hands off my friends) and have worked for years to rid myself of such programming. Spirituality is love. Not conditions, not rules, not condemnation, not retribution, just love. Which is why this cartoon is still one of the funniest, in my book.
Thank you, George, for your concern, but christianity isn't for everyone, there's all sorts of great stuff out there (all really saying the same thing: love). "God" and I are just fine, and on good terms, I might add. "God's" totally cool with my questions and searching and doubting and irreverence. As best laid out by Herbert Spencer: "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

So George, raise a glass to my attempt at resuming the bible read as well as the Tao Te Ching and possibly even the Torah! Let us all be investigators into our own spiritual journeys, and strengthen our capacity for love.