Monday, July 14, 2008

The return of routine

With Dad settling into his routine, I'm thrilled to report we are all gaining our sea legs. (Saturday and Sunday nights, I slept in my own bed!!!) Dad's currently down at his farm working on 'the books' and life is quickly falling back to a somewhat normal pace. I look back on my last blog and hang my head in shame. Every time I felt that 'ick' begin to rise, I prayed. Which is not an easy thing for me. But I think I have finally found something to pray to! Something that is totally safe, non-threatening, and without judgement. My Poppy a.k.a. Grampa K.

Poppy died when I was about 6, but the few short years of memories I have of him leave me with an absolute faith that he's the one person I know who was about as wonderful as they come, completely loving, totally fun, and just amazing. So instead of God, I call on Poppy. And I think it's working.

So, back to that 'ick' from a few days ago? While perusing the blogosphere, I found this gem on the Yearning for God blog:
Is it just me or does that totally speak to the core of our Human Condition?


  1. I never new my grand parents on either side but some of the stories I was told lead me to believe I would of like them, most of them :o(

    Love the cartoon.

  2. Great cartoon!

  3. Glad you liked the cartoon. You, too, can subscribe to Savage Chickens and they'll get emailed to you each day!


Wanna rub my belly!