Yesterday began like any other day, can't get outta bed, running late for work, wasting time at work once I make it in . . . and then, around 11:30 a.m. a co-worker begins talking about her mother's pets. Starting with what she thought were two 'females' multiplied into 6 when one of the she's turned out to be a he. And what are these pets, you may wonder?

Just what every family needs, right? A hedge hog. As if 4 cats, 2 dogs, 2 kids, and 1 husband weren't enough.
So far, I've been bitten, puked on, licked bunches and shat upon. And that was Day One.
Tentatively going by the name of 'Wanker,' hopefully he'll settle down enough to get some pictures. Right now, my fingers are too punctured to work a camera. Love hurts.
OMG-too cute! i better not show this to my boys as they will want one too! are they litter box trainable? or do they need a cage? fun to cuddle with eh? do your kids like jan brett books? gotta check em out-many have hedgie in them. a very cute hedgehog and pics are great!
ReplyDeleteHedgehogs!!! how cute is that?
ReplyDeleteWanker! Gosh! You are soooooo lucky to have a cute little hedgehog! I want one and so do the little men!