Some of you may remember this post I put up on Facebook, but given today's historical inauguration, I had to share it again . . .
Last January 3rd, in the year 2008, I showed up to my township's caucus--the Democratic caucus, to be sure. Little did I know, but during the last decade of happy, horny wedded bliss, Mr. Mart's been a registered Republican . . . his entire LIFE!!!
While he has voiced his displeasure with the republicans for some years, he has apparently remained true to his family's republican influence. . . Until last night. In order to caucus for Barack, he not only changed his Party affiliation, but shook up the Waterford precinct caucus in Clinton County, Iowa.
Here's the shizzle . . .
There were 42 democrats present of which 2 delegates would be sent to represent their constituents at the county convention in March. From the onset, there were big contingents, relatively speaking of course, for Hillary and Edwards--they had their placards and letters and cookies. There were a few diehards for Richardson and then us, 10 lowly Obama supporters, not a button or sticker between the lot of us. Let the caucus begin!
Round 1-6:45 p.m.
Richardson, 3
Obama, 10
Hillary, 13
Edwards, 16.
Round 2-6:50 p.m.
To have a legitimate 25%, we needed at least 11, so 1 Richardson guy came to our side and the other 2 went over to Edwards' camp with the tally now at:
Obama, 11
Hillary, 13
Edwards, 18.
Round 3-7:01 p.m.
As it was, one delegate would represent Edwards with the other going for Hillary at the March county convention. Discussions abound on how to get both precinct votes for Edwards, since it was clear we Obama folks didn't have the needed support to garner one of those votes. Even if all us Obama supporters joined the Edwards camp, there would not be enough numbers to give Edwards both precinct votes. So we sat, and sat, and sat.
Our Obama camp did not need to split up as both the Hillary and Edwards peeps had enough votes to each have a delegate at the county convention. So, 10 of our 11-member contingent stayed put and chatted snow, ice and other Iowa weather occurrences, until . . .
Round 4-7:25 p.m.
My husband, a Democrat not even a full hour, gets with the 1 Richardson guy who came to Obama's camp as well as the head of Edwards' camp and with the clock ticking fast toward the 7:30 finish, began working out a way to stick it to Hillary. At 7:28, they announce to the room that if 3 Edwards supporters would come to Obama's side, it would allow 1 vote more than Hillary, locking her out. Edwards would keep his 1 vote and Obama rather than Hillary, would get the #2 spot.
Final Decision at 7:30 p.m.
Edwards, 15
Obama, 14
And from puffed up and happy to deflated and pissed off, 3rd place and no representation went to: Hillary, 13. At night's end, Obama took the state of Iowa with Edwards in the No. 2 spot. (And if that wasn't awesome, to seal Mr. Mart's commitment to the Waterford township democrats, he was elected the Obama alternate for the county convention!!! Marty is the SHIT!!!)
But just how influential a "shit" Mr. Mart was, wasn't gleened until our dear friend, Mac, did the math. "Little do you know," dear Mack noted, "that this makes Marty among the most powerful people in the free world."
Check the math. Actual caucus delegate totals were:
Edwards with 29.75%, reported by the press as 30%
Hillary with 29.47%, reported by the press as 29%
Out of 2,501 total state delegates Edwards beat Hillary for the number 2 spot by a total of 7 delegates, 744 to 737. Now, let's imagine the result if Marty had not pulled over the 3 people to nab Hillary's delegate: she'd get a total 738 delegates for 29.51%, reported by the press as a 30% tie for 2nd.
"The media spin on her 3rd place finish gave the perception of Hillary as a huge spender who became a huge loser," Mac continued. "A tie for 2nd, much less so. The public perception of her going into New Hampshire in 3rd place is (was) monumental even though the actual numbers are insignificant. I am of the considered belief that Marty, in one hour as a Democrat, has changed the future of the free world. I am proud to be in his acquaintance."
And me, proud to be his wife!

We love you, President Obama!!! (You, too, Mr. Mart!)
Found you. Hey I like Iowa I was only worried that if there was an ice storm they'd close the road.
ReplyDeleteIowa is the root note of a beautiful chord.