Recently, one of my better chums put this question to me: "What does God think of people using His name for, or in, all sorts of crazy acronyms?" Maybe you're familiar with them:
WWJD: What Would Jesus Do
God: Good Orderly Direction
Frog: Fully Rely on God
Ego: Edging God Out
The list is endless.
Personally, I think God couldn't give a shit! See, if I were to believe in a specific deity, let's say . . . Jeeeeeesus, my deity would be more concerned with the journey than the road signs. If I had a Jesus, my Jesus would be more like the Buddy Christ, who wants to be my friend and understand my quirks. I don't think my Jesus would hunt down my ass and force feed me some crap doctrine. Which is why I love that 'Jesus Knocking' pic I posted a couple weeks ago, my Jesus is soooo not going to hunt me down and kill me. My Jesus is going to let me do whatever I want, love whomever I please, practice whatever doctrine I wish, and be loving enough to allow me the privilege of suffering the consequences of every thought I think, word I write, action I take.
While I may not always like what I do, I must understand that every mistake, every foible is not a "sin" in the traditional or mainstream sense of the word, but rather, an opportunity. If memory serves me, I believe the word "sin" comes from a Greek word that means "to miss the mark." That is so much more palatable than that hellfire, brimstone, damnation bullshit that I heard growing up. Hell, the catholic programmers even categorized sin into venial (minor goofs) and mortal (the major crap that say, hmmm, hundreds of priests committed).
For me, and this is only for me, I believe it's my humanness that is at the very core of my spiritual dilemma. I have no doubt that I was created imperfectly and yet I have this crazy drive, this insane idea, that perfection is attainable. That I can somehow have the perfect family, the perfect home, the perfect body, perfect peace, perfect understanding, perfect acceptance, perfect EVERYTHING! Wacky, huh?
So, at the very least, I'm perfectly imperfect. Despite my intentions to be loving and kind to all, I regularly, often throughout the day, fall short of this ideal, and that sucks because I hate making the same mistakes over and over and over again. But I do.
However, if I can look at my mistakes not for how I fucked up, again, but rather what I could do differently in the future, I know that I will progress closer to that perfect acceptance and perfect peace that I hope awaits me at the end of this physical journey.
So does it matter if I butcher God's name, toss it around, use it in vain or in prayer? Like any person I know, we usually prefer the positive stuff, but can muster some minimal tolerance for the not-so-positive. And if a God created this world of ours and everything in it, I'm sure He or She is more tolerant and loving than your average bear. So, my hunch is He or She's more concerned with what actions we choose rather than the words we use.
Peace Out, Homeys!