That mutha is such a tool that his very FACE hard boils my brain. I lack the true mastery of the English language to allow me adequate verbage to express my angst. Yesterday, talking at some Wall Street luncheon, he compared our spiraling, thank-the-Republicans shitty economy to a "rough patch" of road. Explaining why he's not going to increase his bail-out measures, Bush said, "when you over-correct, you end up in the ditch." In print, this doesn't look so bad, it may even make sense to some. But if you watch the clip, he looks like a gorilla.
Well, Mr. Monkey, you're no 'rough patch' driver, just as your pa wasn't back in '92. And it breaks my heart, but shows me I need to learn more about my state's history when Sen. Schumer throws out comparisons between Monkey Boy and Herbert Hoover, Iowa's homeboy and POTUS 31. I do know that he served only 1 term and that he may have been responsible for the Great Depression, but I'm pleading ignorance until further research.
But why am I so surprised and bothered? He's totalling doing what he does best, nothing. Yesterday I was bs'ing with a deliciously liberal co-worker and she'd asked if I saw Bush's bumblingly stunned response to the possibility/likelihood of $4 gas. He's a fuckin oil man, how the hell did that one slip by?!
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