After a few weeks and months of watching different blogging pals struggle with so much of what we call 'life' (myself included) I was surprised to happen upon these lovely words from Jean Shinoda Bolen in her book The Tao of Psychology: "To know how to choose a path with heart is to learn how to follow the inner beat of intuitive feeling." She continues:
"When a person is following a path with heart, his or her dreams are usually nourishing; they seem interesting and pleasant, often imparting a sense of well-being. Synchronistically, opportunities seem to open fortuitously, the people we should meet accidentally cross our path, a flow or ease accompanies our work. Each facilitating, unsought event then begins to confer a feeling of being blessed, each serving as a lantern along the way, illuminating the path with heart.
"To travel this path with heart, a person has an inner world in which the ego is filled with a spiritual abundance from its connection with the Self. There is generosity and freedom from fear within the psyche and in the world. Synchronistically, people cross our path and events unfold, facilitating rather than hindering the course we are on. The sense of fullness and flow influences the sense of time; there seems to be enough time to do whatever we are here for; even parking places synchronistically materialize."

Namaste and hang in there--
I know it's hard, but try not to worry so much about things you cannot control. Worrying does nothing but make you more upset. I know. I worry waaaaaaaaaaay too much and I literally make myself sick.
ReplyDeleteEverything will be fine.