Only a catholic would catch that phrase and possibly understand the deep-seated unworthiness that I feel, not only toward God, but Mother's Day. All in the spirit of capitalism, does Hallmark make its bid to prey on the insecurities and guilt of children and partners. Hallmark sucks!

And excuses to be lazy? Anyone who knows me, knows I need no excuse to loaf and drag and sleep and lounge and be a general sad sack. No matter how much I try to overcome it, I'm a sloth! Which is one of the primary reasons I hate this day. As Wayne & Garth so aptly put it back in the day, "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!" My kids and husband are so amazingly good to me and I just don't get it!
Maybe I'm just extra blue because my week-long eye infection is finally clearing (reason for some to celebrate, but me, to grumble it took so long), maybe it's this damn head cold that set in Wednesday and has still got me mouth breathing, maybe it's the rainy, cold, cloudy nature of today (I need me some Vitamin D . . . or a tanning bed), maybe I'm just a bitch! But I really do hate being the focus. It just reminds me of my eternal shortcomings.
Honoring MY mom, however, is a totally different thing. I simply cannot do enough to communicate to her (or you) how much I love her. And after watching both Mom and Dad lose their mom's a year ago, it's ratcheted up the need to let them know how much they mean to me. But do I really need Hallmark to force my hand? Can a card or a Willow Tree or pastry really convey all the emotions I feel for Mom? Hardly.
If only motherhood was as easy as Sally makes it look. All she does is lay around and nurse those little babies. It's so beautiful to watch how she's grown from cannibal to all-star mommy. What a giver.
CGI- computer generated imagery, though the rough feel of the video sure makes it look real!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing you need to do for Mother's Day is hug your mom and tell her you love her.
ReplyDeleteI never expect anything for Mother's Day, yet every year, my husband and boys give me hanging baskets for the back porch, which I love. I have never asked for nor will I ever ask for anything. My sister-in-law, on the other hand, having her first Mother's Day this year, said she wanted a facial and a massage. Why? Wasn't that beautiful baby that they tried to have for 3 years enough??