As God as my witness, Sidney was not scolded after yesterday's poop fest! So why, when I let her out, did she run WILD for TWO HOURS,
leaving her 4-day-old babies to mew and grunt and fend for themselves?

Driving blindly around the hills of greater CharVegas, yelling until I was hoarse, I searched for Sidney. Fear of finding her smashed on the road were rising. It never occurred to me to tie her up! She was an attentive mother, she wouldn't leave, right?
Wrong-o! She and Baby Daddy Chubby went skidaddling all over God's Green Earth, rolling in road kill, draggin' ass through cow lots, and getting all fubar'ed before I spotted that happy tail, wagging as she romped in a ditch. When I pulled over and yelled for her to come, she had the audacity to look at me, hold up a front paw, and flip me her middle toe!

The poop fest, while horrifying, was really not the worst thing to have happen. In fact, it ignited the long-postponed need to get out brushes and paints and work on gussying up the house for the holidays (we'll host Mr. Mart's family for Christmas). So, removing disgusting gold shag carpet, circa 1978, from our bedroom this weekend will lend itself to wall painting and (hopefully) floor staining.
Then we'll move on to the hallway and the kids' rooms and the stairway and the living room and . . . I'm thinking, "Screw this decaff crap!"
Ah, the joys of dog ownership.
ReplyDeleteIn her defense, after I had my twins I felt like running away and rolling in roadkill, too. You know motherhood is tough when it makes even the dog go nuts.