On Monday I cleaned 3 windows and brushed away dirty cobwebs and insect cocoons from the outside of our house. All done in an effort to ward off creepy crawlies bound to hunt me down later this spring.

So disturbing . . . and yet I can't look away.
She's kicked aside the Litterbox and chosen to live in the Sunlight...
As for my version of the Just Enough Ruffles Scarf? I call her 'Marilyn' and let me say that all I want to do is punch it! I chose to do this project with a delicious Moda Dea yarn that's a dreamy soft lavender. One of my beloved Bitches recently broke her fibula in a stellar display of racquetball prowess and I thought this yummy thing would help her through the remaining days of Minneapolis winter. But now, finishing this scarf is a march to the death.
I refuse to frog this beast! NO! Rather, I'd like to take a flame thrower to it, but given it's mostly acrylic, I don't think it'd burn with the veracity I crave. It's been the bane of my knitting existence since I started it on the 7th, which is why I call her Marilyn -- the other Marilyn in my life is the bane of my work life. 'Nuff said...
After dictating a quick letter to my shrink, he recommended I talk to him about Ritalin. Seriously?! The little devil part of my brain immediately pulled out a little Ren & Stimpy, "Yes, please."
So I did talk with the shrink about it. Fortunately, he's got a keen eye for Turbo's more compulsive nature and he'd hate to see me all spun out.Instead, there are some great auditory exercises to try before we consider medication. I don't put a whole lot of stock in the whole ADD thing. Personally, I think we're a nation of LAZY, too tired to accpet a child (or adult) as they are. Wanna know why I think that? Remember earlier this week, Mo's visit with her surgical team? After 3 hours of being shuffled from clinic to clinic, Mo had grown pretty tired (and hungry) and wasn't listening to the surgeon. His response? That we talk with our family doc about ADD. I know Mo can be a hand-full and I'm not making any excuses, but seriously?!
This thing with my own attention? Honestly, I think it's more about the type of learner I am. And as my shrink said, just being aware of this within myself with help sharpen my listening and focus. Now if I've offended any of you, I'm truly sorry, that was not my intention. I just found this to be a hell of a funny week. Even more so when I shared this information with sister K2 and learned she has similar attention "issues." The only difference is that she was sharp enough to realize this at an early age and compensate for it (over achiever).
Wanna know who's really laughing? Mr. Mart, who suddenly got all his arguments about my selective hearing validated. He thinks this is all just great! Peachy! Because he thinks he's right and I'm wrong. Well, talk to the hand, Mister! I still say, he's selective in what he tells me . . .