It's not very often that I get to use that big ol' word, but last night, the frogs and bugs and whatevers were singing their hearts out! It's fabulous! We've gone from one long, bleak winter to neon green grass, trees all fuzzy with new buds, frogs croaking and baby birds chirping! The sound was so intense, the entire night through, that at one point, I thought my alarm had gone off and the dial was stuck on static. Nope, just the whatevers down by the creek and over at the ponds. (Where the hell I picked up the term 'whatevers,' I do not know. I may sound like Daisy May this morning, but I'm not from Dog Patch, honest.)
And now the peach-colored sun is popping up, ooooh along with some hosta!!! I may have a dirty house with loads of family expected in 2 days, but who gives? Not me . . . though I am curious about Hillary's margin of victory in Pennsylvania, hopefully small enough to keep my man a movin' on!
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Wanna rub my belly!