I just found a huge rock of crack in the form of PODCASTS! I can't believe what I've been missing! There's sweet PRI programs I love, excellent spiritual downloads, all sorts of stuff of which I have been completely an
d totally ignorant. I am so fucked! I'm never going to get anything done!

I think it was the Liberal Redneck that blogged a yonder ways back on all the shizzle that we swear we'll never buy, but then buckle to cultural pressure and then question how we ever lived without it. Yah, I was feeling that one. Take the digital camera. For years I professed my commitment to film. I would not abandon my SLR for some little diskette! I was a Fuji Film girl, through and through. But then my parents loaned me their digital, and never really asked for it back. So now I'm like, "Film? WTF!" I love that I can just shoot the shit outta anything and not be stuck with 32 crap shots out of a 36 exposure roll.
But going even further back, in the late 90's, I swore I would not allow the Internet near my home, thus negating the need for a computer. Screw Big Brother! Well, ten years later and I now have a laptop in addition to a desktop so that I can ebay in bed and blog from the kitchen! And those cute little mp3 players? The iPod was just a silly little gizmo on my self-indulgent wish list. Certainly not a need. So when my husband gifted me an 8oGig for Christmas I about shat! Especially since my desktop OS was Windows ME and iPods won't work with anything less than XP. Which was the final push to get that aforementioned laptop.
But I refuse to completely cave. I remain stalwart in my aversion to video games and swear I shall not have a Wii or PS2 or anything similar invade my home (I might miss Best Week Ever). I never bought the PalmPilot with that little stylus I'm sure people lost at lightning speed. Nor shall I get a Crackberry! And I can say with pride that I have neva 'texted'.
I'm such an oak.
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Wanna rub my belly!