I was just over at the Mama Bird Diaries reading a short, but sweet tampon story. And it got me thinking, I have not had to worry about any of that crap in over 5 years!!! See, after my son was born, I had to look into different birth control methods and knew I lacked the discipline for pill taking and didn't like my previous experience with the Depo shot. So, I opted for the Mirena IUD. And it's been wonderful. No weight gain, no mood swings, and best of all, no periods! But it's only good for 5 years and I'm within a couple of weeks of hitting that deadline.
I just don't know what to do. I know that I should allow my body to return to its nature cycling which means I'll be back into all that pad, 'pon stuff which really doesn't rock my boat. I'm not too pumped about putting even more paper products into use and am looking into alternatives. One is this little reusable cup that collects the shed uterine lining (trying to not be too gross here). I like this idea, not sure how good it will work, but from a disgustingly 'granola' stand-point, I could then pass the 'cup' to our baby trees that we're trying to grow! All those nutrients are sure to help make them beautiful!
Hey, some people make placenta soup after birth. Others dig holes and plant trees along with their placentas. So this idea isn't that bad, is it?

Well, Turbo, you could go with some of these products. (I have NO affiliation with this web site in case you were wondering. I'm just trying to be helpful.)