Am I the only one even mildly offended by McSame's choice of a VP? Palin? Are you kidding me? This goes to the core of what is so wrong about him! Rather than picking a person who's qualified for the role as vice president, this wad picks a person based solely on their gender! Not only does he offend an entire sex with this pick because he assumes that he'll gain a slew of Hillary die hards, but Palin also drives home the point that his running mate needs no real qualifications--that he's already got everything needed to lead this country into Bush's 3rd term.
And here's my question of the day: since when do Mavericks take Geritol? When I consider the word 'maverick' I think of "Top Gun," I think of RayBans, I think of cocky volleyball players sweatin' it up in some sand. John McSame? 72-year-old John McSame? No fuckin way!
This overly-seasoned veteran is starting to remind me of the Viagra-taken Dole who sniveled through the '96 race. Maybe McSame will fall off the stage this week and break a hip!!! Then he can pimp the Oscal voters as well.

i hear ya sister!!!