My heart still weighs a ton. Guess it probably will for awhile. But in the real world, I must put on the brave face. My husband and I are currently in a hospital waiting room as our 8-year-old gets another surgery done on her cleft palate. She's a trooper, that Moira, and she takes all these surgeries in such stride that I forget there is pain and risk involved. I forget to be scared!
But maybe that's what I'm always supposed to be doing, facing this day like every other, and not defining it as The Day of Surgery and setting the ol' ego in even greater control. Today is not a bad day, a scary day, a painful day, or even a good day. It's just another day, good or bad, peaceful or chaotic, and as a spiritual being, my responsibility is to be of use to those around me.
I don't know about anyone else, but sometimes that can be a reallllyyyyy tall order.
hey gurl- how'd the surgury go? thinking of you and the family!!!!!