But then this weekend, the 17-year-old energy of a boy was launched back out into the universe. I knew this young fella, knew he loved to be outside, knew he was psyched to be a Senior, knew he felt embarrassed about some of the things he'd done, knew he could be pretty impulsive, knew some of his pain and fear, but I really didn't realize how deep his pain and fear ran.
Unconfirmed reports state he got himself into some legal trouble over the weekend and feared being sent away. So he got out a gun.
I'm angry and sad and pissed off and a little Maiasaura-esque. Dude! What the fuck?!
I'm angry and sad and pissed off and a little Maiasaura-esque. Dude! What the fuck?!
I don't believe such an act was "stupid." To call it "stupid" a) reeks of judgement and b) suggests he was of sound mind, able to make an informed, balanced choice. No. I believe he was so scared, so lost, so without hope, that the only solution for him was to make the ultimate flight. And that makes me sad. But I also must believe that he was not alone during those final moments. That something was with him, something holding him in that dark time, that something was with him no matter what he did.
Whether his 'essence,' his 'spirit' is contained in a human vessel or rocketing through our universe, I must understand that life does not stop, it simply changes form. And my hope is that whatever form this dear one has now taken, he is finally without the pain that drove him from our human world.
The very atoms that we are composed of have always existed as waves of potential and always will exist whether they comprise a human, a dinosaur or a black hole. ~Liberal Redneck
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