Thursday, October 2, 2008

Keeping up appearances

Anyone see the Palin interview with Katie? It's pretty gut-wrenching to watch. I almost feel like I'm watching myself be interviewed because Palin knows about as much as I do. And I don't know much. But she's a milf, so I guess that counts for something.

So I located the county Democrat headquarters today. Wanna know how? Well, a couple days a week, ! meet several friends for coffee. About a month ago, the office next to our meeting place began to fill up with elephants. Hmmm. Then the McCain signs were erected and Jesus-Mary-and-Joseph! the county Republicans parked it next to my coffee place!!!!!!

I've been wanting to replace my Obama sign since the wind took it back in January after Iowa held its caucuses, (I know, pathetic it's taken me so long) but I have not been able to find the local Democrat hub. So today, bolstered by a fellow coffee drinking Democrat, we marched into the Republican office. With cheery faces and a 'Happy Morning' greeting, we admitted to these normal-looking people that we were not Republicans, would not be voting for their candidates, but meant them no harm. In fact, we sought their help, "Where's the Democrat office?"

The female Republican manning the door helpfully pulled out a directory and cheerfully gave us the directions, joking that we had to vote for McCain as payment for her services.

She was so nice and helpful and understanding that I'm thinking she's a closet Democrat and was simply keeping up appearances for the grumpy old man at the desk.

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